Thursday, March 19, 2009

Composting-the ultimate in recycling


Composting, I use all of my kitchen scraps, no animal or dairy products, but I do use lots of well-washed egg shells, coffee grounds and tea bags. Banana peels are terrific to use also, I use my garage blender to render all of the veggie stuff to a pureed mess that worms like to eat. I use something called a Garden Gourmet to make my compost. It has lots of ventilation and can be made smaller by removing some of the side slats. I layedr the bottom with twigs, then a layer of dirt, then leaves, more dirt, more leaves, more dirt, some manure, more dirt until it gets to the top. I use a sawed off hay fork to turn it often. Every time I have a blender full of compost fodder I pour it over the top of my compost and then turn it. I actually get quite addicted tgo my thrifty ways of making garden gold fertilizer. The Garden Gourmet has a slide up door on the bottom for removing all the lovely black stuff for tossing in my garden. I fertilize my garden three times a year, once before planting, once in the middle of summr and again in fall. Last year I raked up as many leaves as I could to fill my garden [the snow came really early] covered the leaves with tarps to keep them from blowing away and left it all to rot in the ground until I got it re-tilled again this year. The soil is so rich the difference between it and the surrounding dirt is remarkable. I also use lots of leaves to mulch the garden between my plants to keep down the weeds and to hold the water in the soil. All of this is labor and not much in the way of money, a nice savings that I am praying will pay off in a bounty of healthy food for my family.

Everyone needs at least one of these for their emergency kits:
pure-go filtering water bottles
It lasts for approximately 1 year. If a person drinks 3 bottles of water per day the cost of the bottle is equals less than 3 cents per fill up.

Grow your own:heirloom seeds

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